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Healing Arts Connection, LLC is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as continuing education Approved Provider # 42485300.
Since 2001, Healing Arts Connection, LLC has provided effective and integrative body-mind-spirit continuing education to massage therapists and other healthcare professionals as well as individuals interested in expanding their opportunities for self-healing and complementary healthcare practices.
For over 40 years, Marsha Craven has facilitated mind-body-spirit seminars. She is the originator of several energy based healing modalities that are amazingly effective. Marsha is an inspired teacher and facilitator of the healing arts. Her unique combination of extraordinary insight and innovation, compassion, humor, real life experience and fearless pursuit of excellence makes every moment of class time with Marsha a unique experience cherished by class participants. Building on her innate gifts for healing, Marsha has studied and mastered many healing modalities, incorporating only the most effective into her practice which includes private consultations, teaching and mentoring. The modalities offered work with traditional allopathic healthcare to create an optimum healing environment.
For a three year period starting in 1978, Marsha had the privilege to work with two chiropractors, Dr. Thomas Faulkner, DC and Dr. Max Garten DO, DC in San Jose, CA. She was taught powerful techniques for working with the cranium, sacrum and vasomotor system, as well as the emotional aspects of the body. She has attended cranial therapy workshops presented by Michael Shay, Ph.D., Hugh Milne, D.O., Etienne Peirsmen, William Doreste, D.C., Dr. John Upledger, and others. She has incorporated her training with years of experience to form her own style of working with and teaching this technique.
Marsha is a pioneer in the world of connecting mind-body-spirit through innovative and effective healing modalities. Marsha has this to say about “Matrix Healing Technique™ and Lightbody Connection™, her original works channeled in the early 1980’s. "I taught one seminar in the San Francisco Bay area; after which, I put the material on the shelf and did not teach it again until 2000. Since then, I have taught these seminars several times and a growing number of practitioners find resonance with this work.
DNA Cell(f) Imagery™” and Communication evolved from my hypnotherapy program, “Cell(f) Command Therapy” which I began using in the mid-1980’s and began teaching in 1992. Additional resources came from studying the work of individuals who have dedicated their lives to healing through integration of science, mind, body and spirit: Lavona Stillman, Ph.D.; Dr. Thomas Faulkner, DC; Dr. Max Garten, DC, ND; Robert V. Gerard, Ph.D.; Vianna Stibal; Theresa Dale, Ph.D.; Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. and Rosalind Franklin, Ph.D.”
Marsha Craven is President of Healing Arts Connection, L.L.C., as well as its Education Director. Marsha’s unique qualifications for this work include Licensed Massage Therapist; Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist; Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Examiner; Reiki Master/Teacher; DNA Practitioner/Instructor, and Ordained Reverend with the Universal Church of The Master, the oldest spiritualist church in America.
Marsha has taught healing arts through these schools and organizations:
Alternative Healing Connection, San Jose, CA & Phoenix, AZ
Center for BodyHarmonics, Santa Clara, CA
Healing Arts Connection, Phoenix, AZ
Kathleen Sikorski’s Short Courses, San Jose & Sacramento, CA
Phoenix Therapeutic Massage College, Phoenix & Scottsdale, AZ
Radiant Life Academy, San Jose, CA
Scottsdale Healthcare, Scottsdale AZ - Continuing education
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Scottsdale, AZ
Stillman Institute, Santa Clara, CA
University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ - Continuing Education
Craven, Marsha. "The Cranial Concept... the Inner Solution for Self-Healing", Arizona Networking News, April, 2002.
Craven, Marsha. "Integrating Bodywork Therapies" (format: audiotape) Recording from the 2000 Conference, Kona, Hawaii: "Taking Your Practice to the Next Level" Sponsored by: Innovision Communications Inn 20010
Reiki Master Teacher class on 11/11 & 12/2/22 is FULL. Email for waitlist
Location: 8279 W Lake Pleasant Pky, Suite 106; Peoria, AZ 85382 - Arizona School Medical Massage & Wellness
Details below.
Prerequisite for Reiki I is a desire to learn Reiki. Prerequisite for Reiki II is Reiki I from Marsha Craven. Prerequisite for Reiki III/Master is Reiki I & II from Marsha Craven. Class size is limited, so register early.
We continue to be available for special bookings at spas and organizations wanting our signature modalities.
We closed our “bricks & mortar” continuing education center at the end of March, 2018. The response to our "farewell tour" of classes (most of which were sold out) was memorable.
We thank the thousands of wellness seekers, massage therapists, instructors, staff, and volunteers who participated in our events since 2001. We thank the universe for bringing us all together for a shared experience intended to illuminate the path before us. We thank those who find ways to practice unconditional love, kindness, and respect for others on a daily basis.
Marsha Craven, Founding President & Mary Ellen Brown, Founding Partner
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LIVE COURSE Reiki Master Teacher
Instructor: Marsha Craven, LMT, Reiki Maste...
Reiki I - LIVE COURSE Subject matter: Reiki background and First level Reiki protocols for massage/bodywork
Reiki is a complementary heali...
Reiki II - Participants receive Second Degree attunements, symbols and new information. The process of long distance applications, includi...
Reiki III/Master - Reiki Third Degree Reiki Master Practitioner - Participants receive two attunements and the sacred Usui master symbol as...
Reiki Master Teacher Your experience as a Reiki Master Practitioner living The Reiki Principles to the best of your ability contributes to y...